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Boy it's been a hot minute since we've done one of these has it not? The last iteration of That's Not Lego was filmed and released in 2014 when I was still living in San Antonio! But I never stopped amassing bootleg and knock-off Lego toys, they've just been filling my prop closet.

At the beginning of every year I get a sheet of paper and write out my big to-do list of projects and things I want to accomplish during the calendar year. "Do something with all the fake Lego" made the list. After having to completely clean out the prop closet so a plumber could have access to the wall to reach some pipes I realized just how much crap I have and the gravity of it all finally clicked in my head. Now I am doing something about it.

That's Not Lego was originally something I filmed offline and uploaded on its own but I quickly discovered that without the Gatorbox community to banter with there'd be a lot of quiet periods where I'd just be fumbling with blocks. I could only do so many high speed time lapse builds with music before it would get tiring and besides the whole point of the show was for me to talk about the quality of the bootlegs as I was working with them. Without you all the test episodes I recorded in 2018 were just awkward silence.

Now that's about to change. "Every other Monday" we have a Jackbox game night as our chill stream. That leaves one Monday as a regular stream. I'm commandeering that Monday to be a "That's Not Lego Monday" where I'll be hauling out all my fake Lego and recording the series live on Twitch. Things will be kind of awkward because I'll be recording multiple sets in one stream and thus I'll be doing multiple episodes so that means lots of openers, closers, and "YouTube stuff". It'll be similar to how we did Your Level SUCKS 2 where all of the introduction and closing stuff was recorded as part of the livestream.

I don't have a firm count of how many bootleg sets I have but I know the number is around 35, though some of these are pissant little 25-block sets from Dollar Tree so I can knock out the whole lot of those in one taping session. Starting in July I'll be hosting Lego streams until I work through the backlog of sets I have so I can then either part with them or put them in storage somewhere out of the way. This is only a temporary thing until I clear out the closet, then we can go back to normal stream stuff like long-form games and Retro Achievements. Wednesday night streams aren't changing at all during this time.

As always thank you for supporting Gatorbox! Your Patreon money has definitely gone toward this project in the past and just might still in the future! See you in July for That's Not Lego!



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