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The computer I use to edit and work on Gatorbox stuff is about 11 years old. I've swapped parts in and out of it over the years so as a whole the computer is probably more along the lines of being about 4 years old. But there's one component I haven't swapped out of it yet: the hard drive. It's been in there for 11 coming up on 12 years. It's a mechanical drive as well meaning someday it will fail and the contents of it will be lost forever. Whenever I wake up my computer from sleep mode I can hear the hard drive chug for a second as it spins up. That's probably not a good sign.

I've had this in the back of my head for a while now and only recently have I been able to do something about it with the help of Patreon funds. I've purchased a 2TB backup drive from Newegg whose sole purpose will be acting as a sort of "cold storage" for all of these relics of the past that I want to save but I don't use on a regular basis. These are things like old web series, pictures, artwork, website backups, and hundreds of old articles and things I've written for various outlets over the years. Things I would be really upset about if I lost them.

I still have to sort and consolidate all of this content onto the backup drive because I have three separate HDD rips that are just sitting on my hard drive as an unsorted mess. It'll take some time but hopefully I can work through it and preserve them on a non-mechanical drive for good.

Thank you for your continued support!


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