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10 years ago I owned the domain www.sharpererimage.com. It was a comedy blog that showcased snarky and sardonic products that I pulled from a Skymall catalog and wrote new descriptions for. The blog was hosted on Tumblr and a few of the posts really "did some numbers" as they say. 2011/2012 was as very tumultuous year for me however and in between graduating from university, moving to San Antonio, and getting a new job this project was sort of just forgotten and I allowed the domain to expire. I didn't have the time to devote to it to keep it going.

The domain was snatched up by a squatter trying to sell it for an inflated price. It remained like this for a decade until it finally went into expiry and entered the open market again. I'd been wanting to give this project a second shot for a while now but I wanted my domain back. I bided my time until earlier this month when the domain was open again. I immediately bought it and set it up to direct to a new landing page hosted on Cohost.

The Sharperer Image will rise again! I plan on posting new stuff a couple times a week when I feel like it. No pressure, in other words. Right now I am working through the back catalog of things I made in 2012, then I will make new stuff from the original cache of product photos I saved all those years ago.

Here is a sneak peek at four of the products that have yet to be posted as a taste of what's to come on the new site! Enjoy!




That's awesome! I didn't know you had that previously!


Beating the squatter by waiting him out for ten years is a pretty badass power move.