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This is Gatorbox's first Patron-only post, a sort of test drive if you will. Lately we've been streaming Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts as our "chill" hangout game during the week. We've beaten every mission and we're in the process of rounding out the Trophy Thomas challenges to 100% everything.

That said, there's still some goofy stuff we can do in the game like building very impractical and silly vehicles, and that's where you come in! We've already built some wacky stuff like "Not Minotaur" that abuse the limits of the game, and while I've got some ideas on what else we can do I'd like to hear from Gatorbox's supporters!

Leave a comment on this post with the kind of vehicle you'd like to see and when we start building random things I will do my best to bring your idea to life! I'll also be taking some ideas from chat later on, but Patreon requests will be prioritized first!




These are all good ideas so far, haha. We can use "destroying Mumbo's house" as the barometer with which their efficacy is measured against, don't worry! :D


Sounds good to me. Destroying Mumbo's house is always fun. Just throwing my 'hot rod Gobi' suggestion from last night's chat in here as well.