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(Note: This post was originally written on April 21, 2024 however I accidentally left it as a Draft because it was missing the pictures and I only remembered this never went live today.)

Yesterday I needed to make a trip out to Joann's Fabrics to buy new foam cushions for my couch because that thing is getting really old and worn out and I wind up sinking down so low in it that my knees get propped up real high and after a few hours of streaming in this awkward position my "bad knee" (the right one) starts hurting real bad. Replacing the cushions is just one thing I set out to do as during the past week I got a giant piece of inch thick wood cut to lay underneath the cushions to add more support. That's a story for another stream though because getting the foam for the cushions was more trouble than it needed to be.

Anyways as you can see in the picture(s) above I bought a TON of stuff for GatorUNbox. I figured I'd just make it a day trip and I hit up literally every single place I normally just casually check with one exception as that place was getting ready to close by the time I made it to that part of town. Usually I'll just visit one of these half dozen places during a trip but this time I went to all of them and I spent close to $200 on tat. Most of that is pictured here though for instances where I bought more than one of something I only put one thing in the spread. The other picture is all of that junk loaded up into the newly restocked prop closet.

I'm not going to itemize out every single thing in these pictures because that's more of a spoiler than posting a picture of the spread already is. You can look around on the picture and maybe identify a few things here and there but for the most part I still want a lot of this stuff to come as a surprise (mostly). I will note the Mr. Beast "Feastables" candy bars in the bottom left corner. Those were normally sold at Walmart and Target for close to three dollars a bar and apparently no one was buying that slop because they wound up at Ollie's for 79 cents each. I bought two and even though it wasn't that hot outside as I made my other stops both bars basically liquefied in their packaging while sitting in my truck, literally. The "chocolate sea salt" flavor bar turned into a pouch because it melted and just pooled in the bottom half of the wrapper. So I'm sure when we get to checking those out it'll look like a murder scene when I open them up. (Also I found more Feastables on clearance at Walmart in the form of a dinky bag of cookies that were still four dollars even when marked down, so I skipped getting those.)

Look for this stuff to be gradually rolled out onto the weekly schedule (available in the #schedule channel of the Discord server). Again a big thank you to everyone who supports this channel not just here on Patreon but also on Twitch as well. The money from both sources goes into the same bank account so all that really matters in the end is your support and generosity. Thanks!



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