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My vote for what sort of characters people want to see more of had a surprising amount of votes for Fiona. So here's some Fiona, using some different prompts and AI models than before.

Fiona is in her early twenties, is quite short, Scottish, redhead with freckles, frizzy curly hair, has amber eyes, is very cute, and is supposed to have a soft-ish body. Not chubby, but not skinny either. Also, huge breasts. She and Elaine are actually the most busty ladies in the Dolareido cast that are natural. (Who knows how Antoinette got her absurd proportions 🤔).

Definitely an interesting challenge to get the AI to find that sweet spot. She's not supposed to look so glammed with so much make up, but alas, the AI wants it. Next time I'll try some prompts to tone that down.

Yes, in one of these pictures, Fiona's teddy bear is also in bondage. That was accidental, hilarious, and perfect.

Also included in post is some more upscales from Adam, attachment.




Cute and damn sexy.