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I've been sick as hell these past few days, so I haven't been writing. Trying to write when your body aches, your head feels like a balloon, and your throat looks like someone took a cheese grater to it, is surprisingly counter productive. Can't get into the mindset! I'm not expecting to put out the next chapter until the 15th, but put a big ?? on that. (Thankfully, as always, this is why I charge per chapters released, not per month).

In the mean time, I've been trying to figure out ways to create new content for patrons. 'Write more' isn't an option, and neither is anything that'll take up a huge chunk of my time. So I decided to dip my fingers into AI art. It's a surprisingly problematic tool, with a thousand holes and problems.

BUT, occasionally you can put together something good. Managed to create a decent base image and then morph it into a few variations. You'll see AI art really struggles with red eyes, and getting hands right. But other than that I think these came out well.

What do you think? Worth it to keep trying and possibly be a new way to create content for Patrons? 



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