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Woo! First prologue/bonus chapter for the upcoming main series The Pleasures of Hell. I included a note at the beginning of the chapter, so readers will know what they're in for.

These are optional chapters. No need to read them if you'd prefer to go into the series completely blind. But it's a fairly large, complicated setting, and these chapters do provide some insight and explanation into things that won't be explained for a while in the main series.

This chapter is written from the PoV of a demon, and demons are CRASS, so it's not a reflection on the narrative style of the main series. But it's a fun little sliver of one very specific part of the setting, and develops some of the characters you'll see in the main series.

Let me know what you think. Lot of info, and trying to keep the story flowing while exposing setting elements in a first chapter is TOUGH.


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