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Update on my plans for the new year.

MLV will come to a close sometime in 2022, probably. I'm thinking toward the end of 2022, or maybe reaching into early 2023. It's been a wild ride, but the story's been planned out, and I'm anxious to move onto a setting that's entirely my own. While Dolareido and its characters are my creation, Vampire: the Requiem, Werewolf: the Forsaken, and Beast: the Primordial, are setting rulesets I used to create it. They were created by White Wolf, and are owned by Paradox Interactive. 

So unless someone puts a gun to my head and makes me stop, I'll be releasing an MLV chapter every 6th/16th/26th of the month (I took a couple days off for Christmas).  Sex scenes will be a bit more rare as the story starts to tie up threads, but I'm sure I'll write an epilogue with mountains of sex, before moving onto the next series.

The next series: The Pleasures of Hell. An epic adventure story about two humans, brother and sister, mistakenly sent to Hell, who get involved in a large, complicated world with its own complicated plots, involving lots of demons and angels. I'm still crafting the setting, and while I'm doing that, I'm going to be releasing prologue chapters, each with a unique PoV (demon or angel).

Still not sure exactly what to call the prologue series. I might just call it Pleasures of Hell 0.001/0.002/0.003 etc, while the main series would be 1.004, 1.005, something like that. Or it may get a unique name, to separate it from the main series. Either way, starting 2022, I'll be releasing a prologue chapter every 10 weeks, so March 12, May 21, July 30, etc. This will help me flesh out the setting both for readers, and for myself, before the real story begins.

And when PoH does begin, prologue chapters will turn into bonus chapters, either more An Inhuman Love stories, or extra chapters that explore various corners of my Hell setting.

Wish me luck.


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