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Got to put a bit of a gore warning on this chapter. I may have gone a little overboard?

SO MUCH STUFF happening. The story's exploded with paths, and now I need to work on tying some of them off.



Hey Novus. Not really a comment sort. However, this chapter deserves something extra. I believe this is your most creative, best written chapter so far. You are improving with each submission. Keep up the good work.


Thanks! Killing a character and dealing with the fallout isn't exactly erotica material. I'm glad I've found a niche readers enjoy.


Great chapter. Very glad that some threads, laid long ago, are getting tied up well. Still angry at the death, since he’s the guy who got me in to this story to begin with.


In the future, I might be a little more careful about killing off a character involved in erotic scenes. There's a dissonance in the storytelling vs. erotic element that causes. I'll definitely have some Discussion posts about it, since I'm still not sure how to approach this specific storytelling tool in the future. 🤔