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Back onto schedule! Now I just need to put writing on 'An Inhuman Love' into the new schedule, and we'll be back on track. Might not be able to make an AIL chapter every 6 weeks though, which is a shame. It's a target I'll continue to aim for, but my editor thinks it's not realistic.

Keep an eye open for any weirdness in the chapter. Still working out the pipeline between me and the editor. You might find some // marks, or maybe some sentences that make absolutely NO sense, if my merging tool screws up grabbing his edit. I manually check every single edit, and grab the ones I like (which is about 80% of them), which can sometimes cause bugs with the merge tool.

Last chapter included votes 24 and 25, for the erotica scene with Natasha.



I'm only slightly disappointed that Eric wasn't a batset type were. ;)


Shower thought: We never got any jokes about Lucas pulling a emperor Palpatine when he struck the prince with lightning😂.