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I'll be taking 4 days off starting November 4th (yesterday) and another 4 starting December 16th. And then back to our regular scheduled programming. This means you only get 2 MLV chapters in November (and you only pay for 2, as this Patreon runs on Per MLV Chapter funds)

I only realized when a twitter message hit me, that people who aren't a T2+ patron might read my post "Future Series" and wonder if I was done with MLV. Rest assured that isn't the case, I was only asking T2+ patrons what sort of series they would like to see after MLV: a 1700s super Gothic story about vampires, or an action adventure series about 2 humans trapped in Hell, with demons and angels warring. Both are still ideas in concept phase, and may or may not get used.

MLV continues, and should for a while. But there is an end I'm working toward, so someday it'll be time to move on. 

An Inhuman Love story The Weapon Cyborg got a lot of love, a lot of requests to keep it going. Which I can't do, unfortunately, but it's nice that people really enjoyed the world I tried to craft in as few words as possible. Now if I can turn all those fans into paying fans, I'll be golden.  😠 

The next story in An Inhuman Love also continues. It's fun to manifest fresh personalities on the fly.


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