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So things are on schedule to get Medusa Ch. 04 out by the end of Feb 11th. Lot of action, tough chapter to write.

After that, it's An Inhuman Love Ch. 02, which is looking to be a classic love story about a sailor and a mermaid. I really do love this series, because I don't have to plan out an entire universe of secondary characters, far-reaching goals, or deep plots. I just sit down, and write interesting, romantic stuff. It's fun, and easy. Medusa and MLV and other stories are labors of love, but AIL is free-flow writing and is a great break for the brain.

The PLAN is to write 2 chapters of a saga, and then 1 chapter of An Inhuman Love, and stick to that cadence from now on. The saga will be whatever main story I'm working on, so in this case that's Medusa. In the future that could be a couple more books for My Little Ventrue, or various other full-sized stories I plan to write.

Or would people prefer a different cadence? Feel free to comment, anyone.


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