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Hey patrons, I thought I'd make a public post about this, since some patrons are unaware. Patreon sucks at charging people. It's weird, and complicated, and only made worse by Patreon's new tax headquarters, combined with how many weird issues the website has in general with picking a 'thing' that it's charging people for, which leads to confusion (or probably direct annoyance) from banks and credit card companies.

Long story short, I lose people every month because a bank/credit card company randomly decides to say NO, even if I've had that patrons for months or years.


https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/204606115-How-to-manage-declined-member-payments (here's what Patreon says about the issue from my side of the fence, which breaks down to: tell your patrons about it)

If this has happened to you, as it's happened to plenty of my patrons just this last year alone, the usual method I've heard from my patrons on how to fix it is they contact their bank and tell them that Patreon is safe and allow the charges to go through. But maybe the advice in the failed payment help link can help, too.


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