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More AI experiments! As always with AI, I don't have any legal claim to them. They're just for fun. Feel free to take and do whatever you want with them. A few look like duplicates but have subtle differences.

Last picture is the best!

As you can see, AI is getting freaky good. These new pictures are higher resolution, more detailed, and more complex. Alas, I still can't do demon hair right. Demons that have hair are supposed to have Predator/Yautja hair/dreadlocks https://forum.predator.illfonic.com/uploads/default/original/3X/e/7/e7b96a29b97f2564f5ec1357f00e7ae5ea25d5c5.jpeg but I can't get the AI to play ball. But I can do LOTS of stuff I couldn't before.

First up we have a riiva/satyr. Only one, though. I'll try and make more in the future. It doesn't really capture Daoka's slightly softer physique, though.

Next 3 are vratorins/vrats, but the super high fidelity one doesn't really do the face right. Gotta work on that.

Then a bunch of pics of volara/succubi fondling themselves and stuff, while I 'test' breast holding and bone jewelry.

Then a bunch of gorgala/gargoyles, where I first experimented with the new AI, and tested some sexual power (very powerful. expect sexual content in the future maybe?).

Final three are of a zotiva/spire mother, because HOT DAMN.
