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The fact that I hated this so much...and felt physically sick while watching it, is a testament to just how good it is, and how effectively this episode conveyed what it needed to. This was a completely new experience for me with reacting in general, and I had a hard time with it. For that reason though, it makes me really curious for the rest of the series!


The Pacific 1x02 Full Length Reaction


Travis Otten

I saw an interview where one of the producers was saying how so with BoB they wanted to focus on the unit and how close they were they felt they might of glorified war a little bit. With the pacific they wanted to reign that back in and show some hell that war is.

Austin Alt

Hi I’m new here. So excuse my ignorance please. but is there a reason why there’s no sound? Like I’ll see an hear the reaction to something but I can’t hear what you reacted to in the episode an I’m like idk what happened. Dose it have something to do with the DMCA I’m guessing?

Andrew Lytwyn

Yeah. You have to start the episode with her. So, for The Pacific, you'd have to have HBO Max. She usually gives a 3, 2, 1. It's like a "Let's watch this together"