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Thank you all for your patience! The massive surge I've gotten from BoB has been incredible, but it's also required me to change quite a few things, and I've had to adjust the schedule accordingly. 

I'm going to be posting a "GOALS" video this week talking about everything that's happened, and what it means for the channel going forward (all good things!!!). And because of those good things, I should be able to keep the schedule a lot more consistent from now on (thank goodness!). 

As soon as I wrap up Netflix' ATLA, and we get past the Oscars, I'll have a bit more room to breathe, and there will be so much more content headed your way! (Including several films you guys have recommended recently--keep an eye out for those polls!)

2/27 - Firefly 1x05 (Full Length)  ✅

            **(New episodes of FIREFLY will drop on Tuesdays at 10am from now on)

2/28 - Masters of the Air 1x06 (Full Length) ✅

           - The Pacific 1x02 (Full Length) 

               ***(New episodes of THE PACIFIC will drop on Wednesdays at 10am from now on)

          - "Goals" video - talking about what's been going on the past few weeks, and what it

               means going forward!

2/29 - Netflix' Avatar: the Last Airbender 1x01 - 1x02 (Full Length) 

             ***(Episodes 1x03 - 1x04 will drop 3/7, and 1x05 - 1x08 will all drop 3/14, just because

              I have to be out of town for my day job, and physically won't have time to film them all

              before then -- but it should be the last time that has to happen). 

             Masters of the Air 1x06 (YouTube Early Access)

3/1   -  Masters of the Air 1x07 (Full Length) @ 10am PST

3/2  -  Killers of the Flower Moon (Full Length) @ 10am PST

3/3  -  The Expanse 1x06 (Full Length) @ 10am PST

            ***(New episodes of THE EXPANSE will drop on Sundays at 10am from now on, until I

            finish the entire series!)

            Killers of the Flower Moon (YouTube Early Access, depending on what time I finish

            editing -- it's going up on YouTube 3/4, and it's gonna be a monster to edit)

*** I will likely post the schedule for March week-to-week, just to make sure I'm able to keep it on track the way I want to with everything happening. If all goes well, then I'll happily go back to posting the full month's schedule. I might try posting that as a calendar image, just to make tracking everything a little easier. Firefly, the Expanse, and The Pacific all have designated days of the week now, and when I finish those, as well as ATLA (since they're all limited to one season), new shows will take their places on those days. Movies like Soul, Tropic Thunder, RRR, and MANY others will be posted in the coming weeks. Just had to shift things around a bit. Thank you to all of you! I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to get to everything you want to see 😊



Rob Frawley 2nd

"New episodes of THE EXPANSE will drop on Sundays at 10 am from now on until I finish the entire series!" Hold on. Did I miss something? Have you now committed yourself to the entire 6-season, 62-episode show?!?! I can't wait.

Movie Night

Absolutely! I think I had asked, or done a poll about taking a break between seasons, and you guys said a resounding NO 😄 The vote was pretty unanimous to watch straight through, so I'll be doing The Expanse for the next year! And then will probably do "part 1, part 2" per season, etc for YouTube, once I've finished the whole thing and can post them back-to-back. Besides, I don't think I'll have the patience to break between seasons!

Rob Frawley 2nd

Glad you're enjoying it! The Expanse is one of my favorite TV shows from the past two decades (definitely top 3).


This schedule is filled with series that have been at the top of my list for the last ten to twenty years now. Can’t wait. As an aside, if you haven’t seen Starship Troopers, it’s currently seeing a pop-culture resurgence right now, and it’s a fantastic film that’s as clever as it is intentionally corny. Do with this information as you will. Looking forward to your upload schedule


I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but the schedule says The Expanse 1x07 on Sunday, but you haven't posted 1x06 yet (and it's not mentioned on the schedule). Is that coming before Sunday?


Any updates to the schedule? This week went by without Firefly. I kind of subscribed for that series, so it would be nice to know what the future holds.

Movie Night

Absolutely! I touched on it in the Goals video, things have just been a bit nuts with transitioning to this more full time. Firefly will be back week-to-week, and will start dropping on YouTube before too long. Thank you so much for asking, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!


As that you are someone who can appreciate when a show is done well, Sound lighting, framing of shots, can I beg plead and grovel to get you to fit Shogun in your schedule? It is only 10 episode in total, there will be no season two. While I would desire it to be during current run, I would gladly accept a reaction as time permits.

Movie Night

Absolutely! I've had so many requests, and I'm dying to watch it. I'm wrapping up ATLA as quickly as possible, so I'm planning to start Shogun in the next two weeks or so. The wait is killing me, because I've heard it's amazing 😍