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It's finally happening!!! Why did no one tell me Mark Sheppard was in this??? 😂 Such a fun pilot episode, and I'm already starting to see why this is such a cult classic. Space cowboys and an all-star cast...what's not to love? 😄

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Firefly 1x01 Full Length Reaction

Space cowboys!!!


Kevin C

I am so glad you’re doing this! Loved your reactions, and this remains one of my favorite shows! Here’s a tiny bit of trivia for you: The Crazy Ivan. This term comes from the Cold War. Submarines could only “see” through sonar using sound waves, but the noise from engines and moving water gave every sub a blind spot behind them through their wake, called the “Baffles”. To try and prevent this from happening, Russian subs would occasionally do sudden, sharp turns to turn the ship around to “clear the baffles” and use sonar on whatever was behind them. This maneuver was dangerous, and Americans called it a “Crazy Ivan” While the term originally referred to any sharp turns, it’s come to represent any dual-engine craft suddenly turning one engine into reverse to more quickly turn, which is what you see Serenity do in the show, flipping one engine. Okay, me being a smarty-pants is over. I love this show, and I’m glad you’re going to enjoy it! And when it’s time for the next poll, I’ll start suggesting and campaigning for another favorite: THE SANDMAN.


Great reaction. And congratulations on starting your journey to becoming a fully fledged Browncoat!

Movie Night

Thank you for explaining that! I love that it's grounded in a real technique 😄 As far as Sandman, it's definitely on the list, and will appear in polls coming up. I understand they're in production on season 2 right now, so definitely want to catch up before then!


My favorite scifi series. Subbed for this. The setting is basically post Civil War America as scifi. Although, in this setting, the "South" won. Good catch on Mal kissing the cross in the beginning and being averse to religion in the current timeline. A lot of people miss that. He also says in the beginning how "God wouldn't let them die because they are so pretty". Then later he gets joy out of making the shepherd feel uncomfortable. The immense trauma he suffered certainly can make a person lose faith.

Stuart Biegala

So in this universe, basically the two most common languages taken from Earth are English and Chinese variations which is why you sometimes hear some words that are probably Mandarin being spoken randomly at times!

Chris LaLonde

This is so cool. A nice surprise that you are also doing this series. Seeing the PAINFULLY beautiful Morena Baccarin reminded me of another show that you might like. Homeland.... with her, Damien Lewis, Claire Danes, and Mandy Patinkin is a great show. Well, the first few seasons are great anyways. If you don't already know about it, Claire Danes plays a CIA agent and Damian Lewis is a POW that was freed after years in the hands of the enemy. Lots of twists and turns. I suggest the 1st three seasons. Firefly kills me though. Inara, Kaylee (them dimples), and River? I crush too hard on all 3. LOL!! And OH YEAH!! Summer Glau plays a (good) Terminator in the TV show Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. I suggest that show, too. :)

Movie Night

I've seen Homeland 😊 I forgot Morena Baccarin was in it, but that was actually my first introduction to Damian Lewis! I feel like I just watched him in something recently...😜

Stephen Knueppel

Had to catch up on the other stuff before I got to this. Firefly is a favorite show, second only to Buffy the Vampire Slayer for me. Both are Joss Whedon creations and both are excellent. The big difference is Buffy had 7 seasons to explore and develop it's characters while Firefly was cancelled halfway through season 1 and a few of the episodes were never broadcast. So all the rich character arcs and development never had the chance to really develop. Anyway if you like this then Buffy is a must see so you can experience the storytelling Joss is capable of.

Movie Night

I do really want to watch Buffy! I just know that (as you said--7 seasons 😱) it's a huge commitment. I'm definitely planning it at some point though!