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First baby Andrew Scott, now baby James McAvoy???


Band of Brothers 1x04 Full Length Reaction

Baby McAvoy!!!



Another great episode and a wonderful reaction. This episode did an amazing job of showing that not every battle was a victory for the allies. Most war movie only show the victories and never the defeats. To answer your question. NCOs are NonCommissioned Officers. The sergeants and corporals.

Inhonor Oftrip

To add to Eli's answer, NCO's in BoB include Lipton, "Bull" Randleman, Guarnere, Toye, Martin, Malarkey Commissioned Officers (lieutenants, captains, majors, colonels, generals) include Winters, Nixon, Buck Compton

Inhonor Oftrip

As for your request about which are the hardest episodes, I'll post on Discord with Spoiler label (I don't believe I can do that here), so that you can decide for yourself if you want to know, but I believe you already know them 😎

Brian W

NCOs also have PME (Professional Military Education) course we were required to take in order to go up the ranks. Each branch is different, but on the USAF side I went through NCO Preparatory, NCO Leadership and finally NCO Academy to get promoted into the senior enlisted ranks. Each course would build upon the last and focused mainly on management of the enlisted personnel we were responsible for.


Everyone in a unit wears a unit citation for as long as they are in that unit. For example, the infantry regiment I served in had earned the Presidential Unit Citation in WWII. So all of us were authorized to wear that award while we were in the unit, but removed it from our dress uniforms upon leaving that unit. If you were in the unit for the actions that the unit earned the citation for, you are authorized to wear it in perpetuity, even after leaving that unit. As another example, the battalion I served in while in Iraq received a Valorous Unit Award during our deployment. As a soldier in the battalion who took part in those actions, I own that award forever.


Orange is the color of the Duke of Orange, the royal family of Holland. What gets lost to history is how much the Dutch suffered under the Germans. Thousands died in the winter of 1944 from starvation and exposure as the Germans stripped food and fuel from them. The scene where Webb give the boy the chocolate is a subtle calling to this.

Stuart Biegala

If you want to see a great movie about Operation Market Garden on a large broad scale you need to see A Bridge Too Far, one of the greatest war movies ever made with an absolutely stellar cast