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Is it wrong that Ares is my favorite god so far?


Percy Jackson 1x05 Full Length Reaction

Why is Ares my favorite god so far?



I really liked grover alot this episode. Ive heard people say book grover is always nervous and would never do this but i actually really like this change. Hes still nervous like we seen a couple episodes ago but hes more layered. The actor playing him is just amazing as well. I absolutely love this show so far! Are you going to be watching the new harry potter show? Its supposed to be a more faithful adaption of the books! Im definitely giving it a chance. Loved your reaction to this! Cant wait for next episode.


Welcome on the SS Percabeth, I hope you'll have a pleasant cruise. I think people are very excited about the tunnel of love because it's one of the scenes, that didn't made it into the movie. Interestingly they changed the whole sequence for the show quite a lot from the book. In the book it pulled from an completely different myth. In the the book Hephaistos has set up an elaborate trap in order to catch the cheating couple in flagranti. Percy and Anabeth set it of and have to escape. It's a reference to an epic poem by Homer, where the god of crafts and the forge traps his wife and the god of war while the two are having sex and then embarrasses the two even further by inviting other gods to laugh at them. In the book he broadcasts the whole trap live on his TV channel. Why am I telling you this? Because I find it fascinating how much more interesting the portrayal of Hephaistos in the show is. Hephaistos is a god with a physical disability. When he was born, his mother, Hera, took a good look at him, saw his misshapen leg and threw him from Mount Olympus into Oceanos, the ocean that surrounds the known world. He might have walked out of the throne situation a married god, but that wasn't his intent. He primarily wanted revenge on his mother (I think the show could have been more clear on that). The show paints him as a man who has fought for everything he has, despite having the deck stacked against him and who doesn't enjoy the fight. And he is played by Timothy Omundson, who needs, ever since he suffered a stroke a couple of years ago, a cane as a walking aid.

Movie Night

Agreed! He's so adorable, and as much as I appreciate "Encyclopedia Grover," it's wonderful to get to see him be a kid for a bit! As far as Harry Potter...I probably will watch it, but I have very, VERY mixed feelings about the reboot. I was vehemently against it when it was announced, and I still don't think it's a good idea, but I'm curious what a more faithful adaptation could look like. We'll just have to see!

Elizabeth Gidney

Hi, I'm a new subscriber on your YouTube and Patreon. I just wanted to comment this because I saw someone mentioned on YouTube. I hope you react to The Adam Project now 😂. Because it's one of my favorites.


Having grown up reading all the books, I have been really enjoying the show. I do have some small issues with it but 10 year old me would have never noticed those issues. Ive been enjoying your reactions

Movie Night

Thank you! I definitely want to read the books eventually (and probably will have a lot to say afterward lol), but I think the show is great so far 😄