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This is only the first episode, and I'm already blown away. I knew it would be great, but it's one thing to know you're about to watch a masterpiece, and another to experience it. I'm now terrified and excited to watch the rest of the series, and share it with you!


Band of Brothers 1x01 Full Length Reaction

This is only the first episode, and I'm already blown away. I knew it would be great, but it's one thing to know you're about to watch a masterpiece, and another to experience it. I'm now terrified and excited to watch the rest of the series, and share it with you!



If it’s not too late, I’d strongly encourage you to continue watching the opening credits. I find it grants the time to get into the proper headspace, and it provides the emotional table setting for the episode to come. However, to each their own :)

Brett Oliver

If it’s not too late to recommend I think you should watch The Pacific as well.


I saw this series first when it came out on DVD in '02-'03 or so I think, and I was like in my mid teens at the time. I really wish that I could have seen it for the first time as an adult, not because of the graphical stuff, but because of all the stuff and the details my immature mind didn't catch on to back then. It is a great show, and I can't count how many times I've re-watched it, but the more mature experience of seeing it for the first time is something I wish I could have. If that makes sense.

Movie Night

Absolutely! I definitely have those movies that I wish I had waited to watch, and admittedly others that I wish I could watch now with more of a child's eye. BoB is definitely one I'm glad I waited on, because I never would have been able to appreciate it before. At least not to the degree I do now.


I have never subscribed to any Patreon ever, however, I just finished viewing your YouTube video of your reaction to this first episode of Band of Brothers, which is probably my favorite piece of film making ever! I read the book this was taken from many many years ago and it and Lord of the Rings are my top two book/movies of all time. I watch it every year on my collectors edition DVDs and my mother-in-law always watched it with me as it was one of her favorites. If anyone loved these characters/real people, more than me it was her. I decided that I wanted to watch all of your full reactions and hear your very educated take on the series. And have someone to watch it with that enjoys it as much as I do. So here I am.

Movie Night

Wow! Thank you so much for being here 😊 The amount of love for this series is astounding, and I've been overwhelmed by the wonderful reception I've received from this family. I'm enjoying every moment of the experience, and I appreciate hearing all your stories. It's made this so special!

The Colonel

If it isn't obvious by my screen name, the military is the only job I've ever had. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I've earned. It is an honor to lead men into battle. I feel like a fish out of water not being in uniform anymore. Unimportant, forgotten, like the pair of sneakers in the back of your closet that haven't been worn in years. I've been told by numerous people to make a YouTube channel and "get back in the fight". I just wanted to thank you for transporting me back to my happy place if only for one hour at a time. You made an old, broken-down squadron commander smile. I thank you from the bottom of my heart as I eagerly await to be immersed in the magic waters of my past glory days. You have tremendous spirit and energy. I am positive by the time you finish all three, you'll have made my heart smile.

Movie Night

Firstly, thank you so much for your service. While I've obviously never experienced quite what you have, I do understand to a degree what it is to feel like you've lost a huge part of your identity, as you move on to a new phase of your life. It can be a very difficult transition, and I'm glad you're finding ways to hold on to what's important to you. This series has brought me into contact with some incredible people, who have shared some amazing life stories, and I'm truly grateful for it. It's made watching an already amazing show an even more special experience. I appreciate you sharing your story, and your wonderfully kind words about my reactions. It means a great deal, and I hope you enjoy the rest of these three series, and I'm sure more within this genre, as I seem to have opened a Pandoras Box of movies and shows. i look forward to sharing all of it! All the best, thank you again, and take care ❤️


I have watched this series many times, and specifically joined because of your reactions. I love getting the insight on the behind-the-scenes, and the technical way they made this series. Curahee is native American, and means: we stand alone together. that’s the name of the documentary at the end.

Amy Sears

Really looking forward to watching the other episodes. I will note, I'm pretty sure Sobel ends his letter saying, "your son" so its a letter to his parents, not to the company families, or at least that's the implication. I agree with you though, he is nothing like Ross and you don't think of Ross at all during this.