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Dinos, and dragons, and darts, OH MY!


The Mandalorian 3x04 Full Length Reaction

Dinos, and dragons, and darts, Oh my!


Zhivko Yakimov

I completely agree that The Mandalorian doesn't really look like a TV series that has a strong narrative direction, though I feel that this season, they may be setting up something - I hope I am not building false hopes. It is a sharp contrast with Andor, another series in the Star Wars universe, which is essentially a political thriller for grown-ups, and you know that when they are showing you things, it is for a good reason. Still, I like Pedro Pascal and the Western adventure feel of the Mandalorian, which is why I am still sticking around. Also, I loved that they used Ahmed Best. I told myself his name sounded familiar when I saw the credits, and lo and behold, I was right :) I hope we see more of him this season.


Hello beautiful Jacqui. When you see flashbacks of Order 66 it’s a huge deal for some of us. Specifically this flashback when you get to see who was responsible of the saving of Grogu; Jedi Master Kelleran Beq was a councilor for all the younglings at the Jedi Temple. Plus he was portrayed by Ahmed Best who was Jar-Jar Binks from the Prequels.

Movie Night

I love hearing that! I recognize the circumstances, but they don't have the impact on me, so thank you for sharing. And I'm glad Best got to come back and have a second shot in the Star Wars universe 😊

Movie Night

I'm really curious to watch Andor, because I've heard such great things about it. As far as this season of Mando, I don't feel like I'm even qualified to have theories, so I enjoy hearing what you guys think, and I hope you're right! I just enjoy that Mandalorian has its own identity within the Star Wars universe. I think that's what makes it so good.