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Just curious...who's your favorite??? And if you feel like sharing...why? I'd love to know!


Ciarra Jade

I do like Daniel Craig the most but i also enjoyed watching Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan


All of them, even if Niven is "in name only". Lazenby is the most under rated and the most human. Moore is my least favourite, he's just too tongue in check. Craig seems the most complete but maybe that is just that he is in the most modern movies.

Movie Night

I'm looking forward to both Connery and Brosnan. I don't feel my experience with Brosnan gave him enough of a chance in my mind, and Sean Connery is just Sean Connery 😄

Movie Night

Could very well be--it's easy to love the newest simply because it's fresh and new. Looking forward to experiencing all of them!