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Prays to whatever deity is out there that it syncs properly, because I've spent hours trying to make sure...


Pulp Fiction Full Length Reaction

I've watched it half a dozen times while editing, and I still feel like I need to see it a few more times to fully take it all in.


mojo shivers

This is one of those movies that I’m actually shocked when people say they haven’t seen this film. But I’m glad you’re rectifying that because it’s his signature film I would say. I can be like one of those people where I won’t check something out because it’s been too long since it premiered. I get in the mindset that there must’ve been a reason I never saw it and I get stubborn about never getting around to it. I’m trying to be better about it. But I’m glad seeing other people having no hesitation checking out something they always meant to get around to. We all can’t be procrastinators. Lol

Movie Night

Honestly, that's a huge reason I started doing YouTube reactions in the first place...force myself to watch things I've been putting off 😂

mojo shivers

The reason Mia had such a severe reaction is she tried snorting heroin, something you inject in small doses and not shove up a whole line of up your nose. By all accounts she should’ve died by taking that all at once.

M Salam

my all-time favorite film