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Dune and The Expanse got blocked the same way that ATLA did, so I think YouTube may have just changed their copyright rules or something, because I've been doing them the same way as before, and now everything is getting flagged. Hopefully they don't flag all of my old videos and make me re-upload them, but for the time being, I'm going to have to partially black out a lot of footage the way I did for ATLA episode 6. I'll try every few videos to see if I can go back to just blurred, but it seems to be just a new setting YouTube has made for copyright. I'll hopefully be able to include some audio to help with syncing, and I'm trying not to completely black it out. Let me know if it's too difficult, and I'll see what else I can do.


David Olden

Give me audio and that’s enough to synch. Ten seconds of identifiable sound (at the start) and I’ll be right as rain. (not literally, because rain kills sandworms 😭)

Movie Night

Thank you for the feedback! I'll make sure I do, and trying to include a few clips here and there to make sure you're on track.