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Firefly 1x08 Full Length Reaction


Chris LaLonde

We need to find out who cast the deciding vote to cancel the show and send him this episode and make him watch it from now until his end of days so he can contemplate his extremely poor judgement and decision making skills!!!

David Blake

Can others hear the audio of the show - I am only hearing Jacqui's reaction but not the audio of the episode

Michael Campion

There's a bit from Family Guy's return from cancellation wherein they list all the shows that tanked between the show's cancellation and its return. It includes "Firefly," which is contrary to my affection for the show, but it does show you all the garbage they gave a chance and *didn't* run a second season of Firefly. So yeah, somebody's decision-making is bad and they should feel bad.


She only has the audio for the first few seconds to sync - we have to watch it with her with our own copies otherwise she'd get copyright struck.

Josh Tebb

One thing that the overexposed lighting with the flashbacks makes me think of is that it seems to convey a tone of almost happier times as Mal is thinking back with love and nostalgia to these memories as he is literally dying.