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It's the Doctor!


Masters of the Air 1x08 Full Length Reaction


Chris LaLonde

The Japanese-American men who fought in WW2 even though they were sent to internment camps is another fascinating story that needs to be told.

Movie Night

Agreed! Considering this series was a success, I wouldn't be surprised if they continue the trend (especially since everything is so IP based right now). We might just get something like that!

Brett Oliver

I agree that the pacing in this one and the next feels odd but I really think that the show would be… less exciting. By this time in the war the Luftwaffe was defeated, any German planes were being sent to the Eastern front, until D-Day and even then they didn’t have a lot left in them. Addressing the segregation in the US at the time and what the interrogator was saying, the US military was one of the first parts of the US government to desegregate in like 1951 or 52, which didn’t happen super quickly but progress never does.