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Got blocked on Youtube!



lol i was wondering what happened then saw the notice. 😭 dang it yt. they never stop teasing each other , i also think they love seeing jay’s reaction but he gives back just as good as he gets. lol their 1d2n episodes for dark blood promo are hilarious and cute as well, would love to see you react after all the planned content you already have. ALSO i saw your look at the beginning of ep1 , yes we are all wondering who told them they aren’t funny as well 👀 cause i mean we laughed through all 4 episodes of 1d2n and their other videos so 🤷🏻‍♀️ btw there’s studio recording videos for bite me and sweet venom on their yt channel 👌🏼


Honestly, I should have realized it was going to get blocked, seeing the channel that is was from. I will definitely do the dark blood ones as well! And yes Enha are definitely funny. I was laughing nonstop!