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Thank you 😊 once again for reacting to this documentary. And for reacting to everything else when I know you’re busy outside of this with your own life and family. I think it’s refreshing that Source decided to document everything from pre-debut thru the first 2 years. Like you said to showcase how much a group goes through behind the scenes that we fans don’t know. But, also as a kind of a time capsule for the fimmies to look back on together to see what they overcome as individuals and as a group. To see the growth in themselves. It was a difficult watch, but was needed. I hope this documentary shows to everyone out there that idols are human and not dolls/gods that are on a pedestal. That what you say on social media they do see it. They’re their own worst critic first and foremost. I can go on, but I don’t want to waste time on those people and feelings. As said by the members and FEARNOTS. We only have each other. LE SSERAFIM - FEARNOT we have each others back. Anyways, much respect and appreciation for our Fimmies who were put together so quickly they barely have time to sleep.


In my opinion, and also what Amy had spoken to them, is that the adversary and hardship they face are part and parcel of their life which thye have chosen. Which whether good or bad the journey is, it is one they have embraced and is working hard to find happiness from And honestly if we strip all the 'worship' and admiration and the hate and distain, down to its bare bones, being an idol or celebrity is simply a job at the end of the day. How many of us can say that there wasn't a moment in our career that we have felt worthless and incompetent, or that we have never made a mistake or missed the target? So who are we to criticise if idols have a bad day, when they've made mistakes, when they cry in front of a camera, simply because a spotlight is shone on them? This documentary by it's name was intended to be an irony because nothing is easy in life and definitely not any different for idols. And I hate it so much that there are haters out there still bashing and commenting that this was just a PR stunt to gain sympathy votes & scolded the girls for crying and expressing the struggles they have