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Hey guys!  Hope everyone had a good holiday and new years!

So here's an update for ya'.   The industry job I'm at gave everyone the nice Christmas surprise that they're letting our team go at the beginning of January!

Which is fine by me... without going into the juicy details, I've pretty much had my fill of this particular job, so I'm excited to get to jump back into W2H2 pretty much immediately in the new year.  

Jobs in the industry are a little scarce right now (which is why I took this one in the first place), but I'm ready to move back to being indie and making stuff that's important to me.  

I had really hoped to finish W2H2 (part 1) before the end of 2023, which unfortunately didn't pan out.  But I've been slowly chipping away at compositing shots, and jumping back into it full-force is gonna be a good way to start the new year.

I've also been giving some thought to what's important to me, in terms of "finishing" W2H2.  My friend gave me a thought exercise: "if there was a big red button that said "POST W2H2 NOW" and someone else pressed it, would you be okay with letting it go?  Or would you go "FUCK FUCK FUCK" and take it down?  And if so, what would you need to do to it in order to be okay with letting it go?"

And for me, that would be (in order of importance!)...

1   -  Dropping in ALL the finished backgrounds/compositing. I don't want Claire's work to go to waste!
2  -  Doing some foley / Sound effects where it's most necessary for the story.  (ie: actions that would be hard to read in rough animation without sound effects)
3  -  There's one really long shot of Mephistopheles talking that I NEVER did key poses for, it's just a crappy scribble from the earliest animatic that doesn't move the entire time he's talking.  (BUT part of me thinks it'd be REALLY funny to just keep that in???)

I'm currently on step 1.  There's a few establishing shots that don't have finished BGs yet... so I'm gonna' be creating those, 'cause I think it's important to understand the mood, time-of-day, etc.  

But yeah!  It's uh... it's coming along, as usual haha.  I've also been working on a piece of music I'd like to use over the end-credits, but we'll see!  I'll post some more about that soon-ish!

Anyway, I'm excited to get back into it!   As always, thanks for the support guys.  Hope your 2024 is off to a decent start!



Happy New Years!!! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us :D


Happy new years! :D