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HOPE YOU GUYS like seeing the same shot over and over again!

I've been noodling with this one a lot 'cause it's one of the only shots in the film that's going to be colored AND it has special lighting.  I mean, ideally, this entire scene would be colored, but realistically it wont be, so I'm just picking the most important shot in the scene and allowing myself to indulge.  (without actually cleaning it up... I know that's kind of goofy, but the clean-up is less important to me than the coloring!  I guess that's in the spirit of the original film too, haha.)

It's pretty much finished at this point, unless something else pops out at me.  At some point this past week I realized After Effects was importing the image sequences at the wrong frame rate, and I'm embarrassed how long it took me to see that.  IT WAS MOVING SO FAST!  It looked so smooth, I just thought "damn, Erica, you animated some Disney shit there", but nope!  Framerate was too high.  Haha.  Anyway, now it's back down to where it should be.  Nice 'n CLUNKY.

(SORRY for the color flickering... had to make it a GIF for patreon!)






Every little thing is gorgeous, expressions, especially Jonathan's sass, deserve an award, ahahah