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Hey guys!  Wooooooh!!!  Looks like I've got a handful of new patrons from that W2H2 Teaser!  Thank you, and welcome!

Unfortunately, I'm here to tell you that I don't really have much to show for myself this month, as I just started a gig at WB doing retakes animation.  That would've taken up a lot of my time this month anyway, but in addition to THAT, the set-up period was a little bonkers.

My car broke down in the lot on the way to pick up the computer and equipment they lent me, and trying to get security clearance for a tow-truck to come get you at a major studio where you only have a guest pass 'cause you're not teeeechnically an employee yet was a whole ordeal!  But it worked out!  And then the next couple days I had to troubleshoot the actual computer they sent me (I don't know if you've ever gotten the Mac black screen of Death but I had to like... run it in Recovery mode and do the Disk Utility repair or whatever, it was a whole ass thing, I was working on this jank-ass computer that was barely functioning for like an entire workday.)

ANYWAY, all of this is to say: in months like these where I don't really have W2H2 output... what would you guys like to see?  I can do a livestream, some kind of Q&A, maybe a group chat/call with me and some of the people related to the film (Voice actors, etc)?  Maybe a monthly illustration again?  (I was doing that for awhile, but I fell behind!)  Maybe I just stream while I work on some art?  It could even be like a little group workday thing, where we all tune in and just work on whatever art thing we're feeling?  That might be dope!

So I'm gonna give it some thought and try to figure something out.  Feel free to leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, OR hit me up in the Discord if you're active there!   I'd love your guys' input.  

As always, thanks for supporting me!  



Would love streams or a call but please make sure to put your well-being first. Even if it’s just some doodles not even a monthly illustration you’ve got my support. Good luck at WB so excited for you!


honestly, everything sounds so great, but monthly illustrations would be so dope