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Hey guys!  Hope everyone had a good holiday and new years!  

As I said in my last Rough Animation post I had a feeling December was going to be a pretty unproductive month, what with the holidays and all.  I hope the PREVIEW CLIP I posted for xmas helps to alleviate that though.

For for this month we have a little bit more of Jon's mom, Debbie, a 2nd pass on a shot of Mephistopheles with a little more work details filled in (it's a LONG one, so animating it happens piece by piece!), and the shot of Jonathan falling on his knees has been updated a little.  I've also got a still in there that I don't think I've shared yet, playing with color choices for a night-time scene!

I also have some guest animation I'd like to post, but I've got to check in with the animator and make sure they're cool with it, so I'll do that a little later!

As always, thanks for the support!




D E B B I E.


lol but besides that im so totes excited! December was super rough so don't stress. These animatics look so good