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Hey guys!

So I realize I haven't been posting much lately, and I feel like a pretty big goomba because of it!  The reason being is I'm working on a handful of freelance jobs right now, so all of the work I'm making is pretty much for other people, which means it probably wouldn't be right for me to post it here, and also it wouldn't be super interesting to people who I assume are following me for me.  Of course, It'll all end up online eventually, I just mean it's not exactly super enthralling content for my Patreon supporters!)  And when the freelance work is done, I'll get back to work on my own stuff, and start posting work from the continuation of Welcome to Hell! 

THAT SAID, I'm not sure how long that will be.  Maybe another month?...ish?  Maybe a little more?  And that seems like no time at all to me, but it prooooobably feels like quite awhile for you guys, and that's not super fair.  So, in the meantime, is there anything you guys would like to see that'd be fairly easy for me to come up with?  Scans from my sketchbook?  Maybe an AMA or a Google Hangout?  Basically something that's already done, or otherwise very easy to produce.  I'm a little strapped for ideas on what some good content would be to tide you guys over, besides what I just suggested, haha.   This is totally a shot in the dark, but let me know if you've got anything in mind and I'll see what I can figure out!  Feel free to comment below with any suggestions! 

Thanks for your continued support!!  : )



I tend to agree with the others. Some sketchbook scans would be wonderful to see, or any form of livestreaming that doesn't impinge terribly on your time and resources. We know work, esp. paying work comes first. I'm just always happy to see more from you, be it a quick doodle or a note on your tumblr saying "I'm still alive, just swamped with work."


also maybe some tutorials on how to draw the characters from w2h would be fun, if you'd be okay with that