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I can't believe next month will be a year since I started the rough animation.... gosh.  I'm gonna need to pick up the pace somehow, ahaha.  Awhile back I set a goal for me to have all of the roughs done by May 13th, and I KNEW deep down that would probably not happen, but I was on a roll a couple months ago!  Aghhkggkhg.  Whatever.  I'm trying to not be so hard on myself during this pandemic, but it really does feel like spinning your wheels sometimes.  I've got a couple other indie projects I'm doing work for on the side, so alternating between that and W2H really feels like I'm not making much progress on either of them, which is frustrating.  BUT!  Progress is happening nonetheless.  

Anyway, I've been working on a scene where Jonathan falls out of a window, so... hopefully that can be an egg for you guys in these trying times.  

Thanks for supporting me, and please make sure you're all taking care of yourselves during this too!  Stay safe.




I'm so excited. I know we ain't getting the final project for awhile but squee this is so cool to see. Animation is just so cool.


omg so good !! animating frame to frame is so hard, i always struggled a lot on my assignaments lol yours is so fluid ! keep the good job :)