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Mkay, so as you guys know I took last month off as a holiday, and I don't really have any animation to post, so I was looking to do a couple things to make up for that.  

I was at my parents house and I found a bunch of old drawings in the basement.  My parents are crazy and they've literally saved everything I've ever drawn since I was born, so this is FAR from a comprehensive collection.  But these are some highlights from one or two folders pulled at random, and photographed with my phone (sorry).

I tried to organize them roughly from newest to oldest; with the newest being from around 2009, and the oldest being around 1997.  The MAJORITY of the things in here are from middle school and high school.  There's a LOT of Yugioh bullshit, and a LOT of Sonic bullshit.  There's at least 2 pages in here with some sketches of a really early idea for Sock (along with what looks like my Gaia Online avatar, haha).

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy these!  I also got some requests to do a fanfic reading, so maybe I'll stream a little later this month and do that for you guys as well.   

As always, thanks for supporting me!



Wait, is that Warrior cats fanart? And my heart melted looking at fanarts of Sonic and Disney. I literally had all these phases except for Yugioh cause it wasn't on TV in my country at the time.


Anime Sock is Haruko, fight me