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Hey guys, you probably noticed that I havent posted this month's update yet, so I just wanted to let you know what's up!

I'm out of town right now for a band gig, and this whole week is going to be a combination of out-of-town band giggery, switching from an old band to a NEW band, dog sitting/house watching for a friend, AND SOMEHOW MY BIRTHDAY too, which I literally didnt even plan anything for because there's too much other stuff going on.

I've also spent the last couple weeks making a review video for XP PEN's newest pen display tablet, and I've tried to make it pretty funny and entertaining, so a lot of my time this past month has been dedicated to getting that finished. Hopefully I can post that up pretty soon. Not to be a huge shill or anything but it's a really solid little tablet, I was pleasantly surprised!

So I will try to post an actual W2H2 animation update a little later this month (actually maybe later this week!), but in the meantime thanks for hanging tight with me guys.


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