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WOAH, Patreon lets me upload more than one image now?  I used to have to do the other gifs as Attachments... truly we are living in the future.

Super sorry I'm a few days late with these, guys!  I kinda lost track of time.  I've been saying this for the last couple months, but I got some new Patrons recently so I'll say it again... it's been kind of a crazy summer and I'm hoping to be more productive now that we're taking a turn into fall.

So you guys have already seen at least one of these rough animations, but I added it in here because I had to figure out the perspective/layout of Jonathan's bedroom.  I'm not great at backgrounds, but it's coming along!  I do want W2H2 to actually HAVE backgrounds this time around, haha.  

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!

And WELCOME, new Patrons!


(PS- I'm adding the gifs as attachments anyway, just in case that's easier for some people!)



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