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  • FoamSteapsRealistic.mp4
  • FoamStepsExxagerated.mp4



Foley Poll

  • Realistic 40
  • Exagerated 2
  • 2023-12-23
  • 42 votes
{'title': 'Foley Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Realistic', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Exagerated', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 23, 8, 7, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 42}


Let's take our first look into some foley! (aka realistic in-game sound effects: Footsteps, Button switches, etc)  Firstly, I'm going to come out and say this post might not be the most conventionally interesting. But, it is something that I myself (Sven) and a few of us on the team love to dive into when we can, so if you would like to dive into some foley designing details with us, let's get into it!

We've gone back and forth a lot lately on the topic of realistic vs cartoony/exaggerated foley sounds. Some of us, myself included, love the effect on realism a truly realistic foley sound or combination of sounds can have in a game/movie, but also can very much appreciate the effect an exaggerated or cartoony sound can have with the art direction that it can bring with it.

To settle this, or at least this debate in a category of foley (footsteps), we would love everyone's opinion here on it!

Attached to this post are 2 different foley recordings applied in-game for foam mat footsteps ranging from realistic to cartoony. Vote for your personal favorite here and the top voted will be used in-game!

I/We would also love to hear your opinion in the comments!

**Note** I would personally love to make a series out of this going through the different types of foley, but I'm not too sure how enjoyable this content can be to everyone:/ So as a bit of a gauge, if this post gets 20+ likes we'll keep this moving as a series, otherwise we'll get into some animation polls next week instead!


Dunks (Zach)

I like the realistic sounds better! At first I thought it was a little too loud. But after a few more times of listening to it, I can tell that the realistic one is a little quieter than the other. Maybe a little more variety in the way the texture sounds wouldn’t hurt. Like have a few other footstep sounds that differ from time to time. Overall though, I’d definitely say it’s heading in the right direction 😎🔥 (Sorry for sooo many edits lol)


I personally think realistic would be better in the context of this game. This is game is amazingly ultra realistic and I wouldn't want the sound effects to hold this game back from being identical to real life. Can I just say though, OH MY GOSHHH THIS ENVIRONMENT LOOKS SO GOOD I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! DEFO MY FAV SO FAR! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE FULL RELEASE 😯😯😯 Merry Christmas to the whole extremely talented team and I can't wait to see what's in store for Subliminal in 2024!


for this specific example, I think the exaggerated sound is the better option. Honestly it sounds far more realistic to me, and is far more immersive. For a general rule though, I think for realistic sounds would he a better option.

Aaron Van Der Hoek

there's some audible clipping clicks/clicking in the realistic one, and the deep low frequencies are a little TOO much. maybe reduce some of the low end and remove the clicking and it would be perfect!


I agree! That modification would make the realistic one perfect for the scene. :)


For this example, the exaggerated is better, maybe just lighten it a little bit, but it sound more like the sound that'd you'd get at an actual playhouse. Maybe just lighten it a bit, but still great!