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Unfortunately after a bit of debate, We've decided to push the Alpha back 4 days to deal with some optimization bugs. This is tentative pushback to avoid any game breaking bugs for lower end cards. I thank everyone for your patience with Alpha 3's release. We are at the tail end and I (as the main Dev) assure everyone Alpha 3 will come out in all its glory on June 24th!

Set Release: June 24th 6:00pm PST, 9:00pm EST, 2:00am UTC (June 25th)


• Lots of bug fixes!

• More bug fixes!

• Optimization fixes for GTX line cards in the works!

Coming Soon:

Trailer 2 (We're super excited to announce Subliminal's official Trailer 2! Coming to all social media in approximately 30 days!)🎉🎉🎉

• Alpha 3 Release! 🎉(Set June 24th)

• Complete Menu Screen Reconstruct! (In Alpha 3)

• Level 306 Leaks (Set for June 24th and 26th)

The Details (for nerds):

Nothing much to report on this week unfortunatly:/ Bug work has filled our schedual and is quite a bore to read through. Though in the next coming week we will have much more to ramble on in this section, including a new level!

I as the main dev would like to appologize for the additional delay. A few bugs were found when finilizing testing of lower end cards that could be potentially game breaking. Rather then releasing with the risk we decided to delay to make sure it is not a problem for anyone who might play the Alpha with the affected cards (GTX 1060, 1070 and 1080). With nothing else in the way I'm excited to finally see what everyone has to say about Alpha 3! Thank you again to everyone who has been waiting for Alpha 3's release through the past few weeks.❤️



Bro my subscription is going to renew in 5 days and I can't be just spending money right now


I may be dumb just I just joined how do I like access the game I’ve been waiting for this game since it was first talked about


If you look under the patches tag you can find and downlaod the latest Alpha patch. Although Alpha 3 will be out in less then a day!
