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(This is just a reiteration of another picture post I had, but I wanted to give a heads up for everyone on the patreon without the tier walls since it's a trigger warning in advance for future posts including some self harm and body dysphoria!)

***I will be using #trigger warning as a tag from now on for any of these questionable posts.***

There was a whole small series of pics/story I had connected to some angsty stuff with boob George but I never shared any of it anywhere for years bc I felt some of the subject material was a bit sensitive and dealt with some heavy subject, but there were some good pics attached to it so... think I'll start sharing some of them here over the course of the next few months!

Wish I could put a trigger warning on some of them, but just wanted to tell you guys! These pics are all from 2014 or something when I was first drawing these... don't remember how far back now. I don't want to upset any of my wonderful followers, but I did have a lot of experimental art with these subjects early on and a lot of it was also self-reflective and I'd put my heart into them, even if it was hard stuff. A lot of my "kink" stuff isn't just about weird sexy stuff, but mostly about the characters and their experiences and how they deal with the situations. These ones just happened to get pretty dark.

I hope some of you can enjoy some of the art that came with it anyway~


Also a quick life update! 

We'll be moving on the 25th this month so things have been getting kind of hectic now and it's been hard to focus on getting all my art posted and sharing, but be assured that I will still give all the tiers their posts this month! It just will be a little all over the place... My apologies!! I also had my colonoscopy last week (which thankfully went well) shortly after our bdays and I felt horribly fatigued and short of breath for a week after bc the air quality out here has been so bad. UnU I've just been a mess.

I'll be excited to finally be moved and out of here tho I'm sure there will be new challenges that await us at the new apartment. But at least we'll be away from Zuka's mom and step dad who are constantly belittling me and my brother and coming over whenever they want to bc it's their house still technically. :( They just make everything harder and anxiety-inducing... Can't wait to leave that behind.

Thanks for being patient with me and still supporting me! <3


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