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The site in general is doing an update again where they'll be adding taxes to goods, but the stuff I share might be exempt? It's a sucky thing to have to deal with either way... Here's more info.

And apparently they changed the tiers and idk what to really do with the options exactly... Will likely have some changes again there. I might add $1 as general support and then $5 and $10 with benefits.

Also I've been doing really terrible with updates in general and have felt guilty for my lack of activity and passion. I've mentioned a few times struggling with my own mental health and such before and how it's affected my work and have tried to consider options a few times. I thought I was doing good at the start of this year but damn, we had to get a pandemic tho huh?? 

But yeah, I'm trying my best to keep this thing afloat but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't running out of old content and haven't made a whole lot of new.... I've been trying but I usually end up drawing kink stuff only every couple months or something. I keep hoping I'll have more but I've had little to no interest in doing so aside from "I need to draw some for my patreon" and that's not the best motivation.

I'm gonna try pulling through this month but have been seriously considering a freeze the account or something. I don't want to get rid of this patreon as a whole, but idk. It's been stressful.

I hope all of y'all are staying home and wearing masks to keep safe.



I’m here for you if you need anything. Don’t feel stressed about this. Your niche stabilizes us and means most of us aren’t going anywhere. One thing that has helped me a bit lately is that I tape my mouth closed when I sleep. Chinese medicine believe that air breathed in through the mouth is negative and conventional medicine says there are tons of benefits from sleeping with your mouth closed. Honestly, if you need anything, Patreon or otherwise, feel free to reach out.

tubbertons (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-25 22:54:19 Thanks for being supportive of me anyway... I wish I could have offered more in the end but my well has really run dry for years and I've been kidding myself for a while. And honestly, I wish I could keep my mouth shut when I sleep but I physically can't for a few reasons. My teeth won't allow it and I usually can't breathe through my nose anyway. <:/
2020-07-01 01:51:15 Thanks for being supportive of me anyway... I wish I could have offered more in the end but my well has really run dry for years and I've been kidding myself for a while. And honestly, I wish I could keep my mouth shut when I sleep but I physically can't for a few reasons. My teeth won't allow it and I usually can't breathe through my nose anyway. <:/

Thanks for being supportive of me anyway... I wish I could have offered more in the end but my well has really run dry for years and I've been kidding myself for a while. And honestly, I wish I could keep my mouth shut when I sleep but I physically can't for a few reasons. My teeth won't allow it and I usually can't breathe through my nose anyway. <:/


I feel like that a lot. I think feeling like you have to get work out there dries up the well super fast. (I draw too. I feel the pain.) if you ever want to talk about your work or ideas or discuss possible muse characters to help inspire you, let me know. I have the same problem with all of that. Taping my mouth shut fixed it all. (Something to try anyways.)


There's just been a lot. I went through a long depressive phase that made me lose interest in everything that made me to my core and I've still been struggling with that. I got some of it back, but doesn't seem I've cared much for my kink department anymore and have struggled making a comeback since 2018 at the least. It started earlier, but that's when it really dropped off. I've been getting help for it n stuff but still. But really if I taped my mouth I'd end up suffocating lol I'd probably need to go to an orthodontist again to adjust my my lower teeth to help fix that but god knows when I'd be able to do/afford that...