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I first want to thank everyone that has supported me on my first year of doing Patreon. I was always scared that I wouldn't be able to keep it up, but I'm certain that I'm in a good rhythm. It's certainly been a rough year for me as a whole--A lot of life changing plans fell through, putting me in a really deep depression. But I needed to perceiver, and so I shall.

I would also like to ask any and everyone for their thoughts on how and what you'd like to see more of. I've had a few months where I didn't get a lot of engagement, and I didn't reach my personal goal of 20 members. Would you be okay if I did one full render image (along with the monthly voter poll image), and more sketches and flats? Would want more fully rendered images?  Are the tiers worth the perks? I would appreciate the feed back, so please don't be shy!

With the year about to end,  I feel like this has been a positive for me. It's kept me working and shows me that I have something to give that people want. I never believed my art would be worth it, but here I am now. It's truly amazing to me, and I want to thank you all for the bottom of my heart, and I hope that you will continue to support me!



I think what you are doing now is great! The perks for the different tiers seem fine to me. You are doing fantastic, and I love seeing everything you end up drawing every month! Do what you are the most comfortable with :D