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I bring you some concepts of the new sticker and random unrelated chibi doodles 🙌 On the top left you can also spot a few small thumbnail ideas for this month's goodie bag drawing. Regarding the sticker I wasn't really sure of the composition but what I was sure about is that Jean is going to be the star of this one~

The top left was the concept I decided to go with but there was something dissatisfying about it once I finished it, so I gave it a second try and made the bottom left that at the time felt a bit better emotion-wise.

Once scanned and prepared for digital coloring I worked on that piece for longer than I planned, but the results were not coming up as I envisioned. I abandoned this piece mid way having only unleveled flats. The more I looked at it the more off it felt to me. Not that it is a bad drawing, it's just the feeling was not quite there.

Since I was pretty short on time to order it, I didn't have much time to work on an entirely new design. I enjoyed the initial ideas and knew that whatever I would try and come up with wouldn't be as satisfying as the first drawing I did.

Deadlines were always very inspiring me to improvise and work with what I've got, and since I already was locked on the first drawing I really wanted to salvage it.

There is an ungodly amount of liquefy tool used that have to lift this sketch from "there's something uncanny about it" to "god, that's much better". Both hands had to be smaller, the eyes shifted on the face, also perspective of the mouth had to be adjusted to fit the head angle. I frequently flipped the picture on the vertical axis to catch the anatomical mistakes and put my finger on things that before were just weird gut feelings.

I'm really happy with the result. I am a total slut for monochrome and dual color schemes so this time I went with purples and greens. The finish of the sticker will be matte but a few accents will have a slight holographic effect. All the sparkles and grapes will end up bringing a bit of rainbow~

Every Plugs tier Patron signed up before the end of September will be legible to get this sticker alongside the rest of the goodies from this theme 🙌

Thank you so much for your support! I can't wait to see these stickers in your hands 😤




Oooooooo! Jeans sooooo pretty!!! 💜