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Spread across two days, I recently made some warm-up 60 seconds studies with posemaniacs.com. It's funny how one day sketching can feel so easy and natural, but the day after it's an awful struggle. Sometimes it's just how it is, you could fight against it, do whatever you can, but if it doesn't want to work with you - it won't. That doesn't mean you have to stop sketching - just allow these sketches to be worse that day. It's ok. 

First three pages are older. When looking at them I can sense the tension in the muscles, gravity and flow. It was easy to simplify the shapes and make them overlap nicely in the perspective. I can clearly see the confidence in the strokes, something that is a great sign that it was a day blessed by the inspiration and flow.

The next day was way worse. I was overstimulated, tired and completely not in tune with my hands and eyes. To put down a good line means to first see it clearly. I couldn't see clear gesture lines which made me search for them on the paper. This resulted in unsure strokes and slow performance. Hands and feet are missing, unlike the day before - I couldn't even put any simplified ideas of them on paper. It got slightly better with the third page but at this point I was already tired of the time pressure I've put on myself. I can pretty confidently say that what made the sketches better the day before were the sizes of the poses. Smaller size means less time spent on putting down the strokes. 

With every passing year I'm starting to believe more and more in the theory of artists being vessels for the Inspiration. When the Inspiration is not there I can practice, and work on my skills so when She comes - I'm ready for her to use me.

Full resolution scans as always can be found in the attachments  ✨




Oof your words are a great motivation


some hella wisdom in your words, eye opening even. I will keep this in mind for myself, especially the bit about being a vessel and practicing when that Inspiration is absent xx