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April's sticky note sketches are made on a different paper than usual. My favorite paper was discontinued and I'm still searching for a good replacement. Unfortunately these were the only ones what didn't get ruined by the fixative later on - hence a slight change of hue. They are definitely a lighter shade of yellow, but other than that everything seems perfectly fine so far. 


Due to postal flights still being cancelled in my country - I'll be postponing a sent out of the goodie bags just like in March.
I'm keeping track of every new patron that enters the ranks of Gags 2.0 tier, so please be sure that every highest tier patron will receive their goodie bags as soon as the pandemic chills out 👍


I've been working with my local print house for more than a month before they faced some technical difficulties on the way. Until then the project was put on hold while I was doing some more research in other print houses. It seems like it's really hard to make a mix of print and hotstamping with gold, but I'm not giving up, and I'll be keeping you updated.

I'm also talking with one of my friends who works on creating patches, we're trying things out and maybe soon I'll be able to show some sneak peeks ✨


This month wasn't really good to me health-wise. Isolation kicked me in the ass more than I expected and for two weeks straight I had a hard time producing anything that I could be happy with. Nethertheless I kept on pushing forward, supplementing my diet, working out a bit more and I'm happy to say that now I'm much better. I ordered myself a little reward for not giving up - a 3D printed anatomical model of a human body that will decorate my little home studio and remind me about specific tendons and muscles. A year ago I wouldn't me able to buy it, but thanks to you I will arrive next month. So thank you so much for making my life easier and brighter ✨

On an ending note: Please remember to leave your prompts here in the comments. I'll be reaching to them every time I'm out of ideas for sticky note sketches.




You rock!!!


Will you be making a full deck that people could buy?