March Post-It Sketches pt.1 (Patreon)
This month I'll be posting post-it sketches in three parts. First two will be usual: sfw and nsfw, the third one will feature a small story-driven batch featuring loved by many of you devilish entity that was starred in October's nsfw batch.
Sadly I must let you know that this is probably the last month when all of these sketches are drawn on yellow sticky paper. The company that made these suddenly stopped producing them. I tried using sticky paper of other brands but either it is shitty to draw on or it doesn't act well with fixative 😒
I'm still trying to find a good paper of different brand but if it won't happen I'll have to work with different colored ones of the paper i worked on before. I have three colors, one block of 100 papers each - pink, blue and green.
It's funny how I tried super expensive paper and still a simple chain store sticky notes win the competition. Maybe some of you still have these in your local Auchan:
If you do, please hit me up. It seems like these are totally discontinued in my country and it seriously sucks ass. These are the best sticky notes I've ever drew on.
They work with 2B lead like a butter, are durable, don't discolorate even if treated with eraser many times, they drink fixative like thirsty little bitches without any problem, and are basically my true love. So if you find them in your Auchan please write to me, I'm sure we can think of something we both will be satisfied with. 😭