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 This page is a mess timeline and topic-wise. I've been buried under a big pile of work recently and had to recover from some very stressful events that popped up out of the blue.
But I'm very glad to say that I have upgraded my workplace a bit! I've moved from laptop to a new pc that works really nicely. On top of that i decided to dust off my etsy shop and actually do what i always dreamed of doing which is selling stickers, prints and posters! There's a physical sketchbook in progress as well as some new digital ones! 

Thanks to you guys I'm able to finally move in that direction, for which I'm very grateful ♥

If it comes to the sketches themselves, "26_06_19 (3)" is a small chunk from Filip's past that molded him into a character that he is. I'm not going to spoil much right now since i really want this topic to open up later on. (4) is just a study in which i used a girl from the (3) and Bryan from the future, which has no canonical sense. Bear with me, my brain sometimes just likes to ship random characters in the time they didn't have a possibility to even meet.

You may recognize pose from (1), since i did something similar in the past. Oh well, I just really like the idea of Filip and Pat finding some peace while they sleep when Filip can't be so awfully defensive over soft sensual moments. 






Ooooh Etsy merch. I’d be down for some stuff for sure!