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Rather than going out to a loud club, wishing to dance away everyday's worries, once in a while it was actually way more relaxing to stay at home with the whole crew.  It had a big advantage of having longer conversations without shouting or going out of the building. Other good things were cheap alkohol and board games. Combine those two and you end up with great atmosphere of people laughing at witty banter, getting to know each other better and tightening already existing bonds.
Sometimes you could even be lucky and meet someone new, a friend of a friend who recently moved to the city to participate in nursing studies. Cheerful open personality. Smart but not afraid to let the joke aim their quirks.

These were only few things that Patrick learned about Kendra that night. She easily accepted when people called her "candy" or "Kenny". Her eyes were gleaming with joy, and love towards life, towards everyone on her way.  Excited to listen, participating in intelligent conversations about things she found fascinating! She was mesmerizing!

But not to everyone. One pair of the eyes glared at her everytime she giggled. One pair of hands had to fiddle with wathever nervously everytime Patrick seemed to be just a tiny bit closer to her. Spiting every glittery gesture, loathing how magnetic her personality was!
Envying how lively everything seemed to become under her touch or gentle when her plump lips ordered it to. Everything fell under her charm, everything and everyone except Filip. 

"Fuck, she's so annoying."  He gnarled after lighting up the smoke. Both of them standing on the small balcony,  third floor of the apartment building.
"Maybe if you actually joined the talk she could change your mind?" Patrick never was the type to easily get discouraged by Filip's trash talk.
"Oh yeah, like I fucking care about the current politics of Sudan, or new amazing single of-" door of the balcony creaked and with the gentle floral scent of the perfume there she was. "-my ass"
"Which is definitely damn tight in those jeans~" She chuckled before moving her dazzling gaze at Patrick and continued. "Jean told me I should fetch you for the weed. So here I am. Fetching." She brushed her fluffy hair away from her face in a reaction to a slight gast of wind.
"I'm fetched then." Patrick smirked.




We love a jealous sub~~~ <3 I didn’t realize Filip was taller than Pat!!


This is so gorgeous. You know the weirdest thing I just love? Her kneeees