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I just relized that I still didn't post nasty versions of these~
So here you go guys!

I tend to jump in on google graphics to find a good reference, and to be honest, it's hard for me to find a bad one. My approach to studying figure drawing (no matter if it's sfw or not) is just to use whatever i see as a practice, do it often and never stop.

Sometimes it can be hard to capture a right angle, sometimes i fail, but that's the whole purpose of practicing. To learn quicker by failing quicker.

Sometimes a finger may end up looking wonky. Just like that sad finger in the ass above. But i left it there as a reminder of what not to do next time, and what to improve.

It's ok to fail when you study or practice. Just try to correct yourself next time. Show the sketches to someone and ask "does it look wonky?". We all have eyes, all can spot a difference between reality and depiction. Take the critique, it may hurt but this is how you're gonna improve. And if you don’t agree with the qritique, try to draw the same thing again but with the notes you’ve been given. Just to see how it would look like. You need to practice. Seriously. We all do. The quicker you start the better.




I had a helluva time finding dick references but finally found some on google that were right out there. So yeah. And good advice on just drawing what you see. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to get it “right”. Just need to relax I guess! These are great!!


Ahh yeah I have a lil locked NSFW reference folder on my desktop - I struggle with getting studies out quickly; like, I'll just get caught up in making it about a character (or characters), and end up spending hours on just a few poses... and then I'm too tired to draw anything else :(


Also these are amazing, as always. So good to see content from you~~